
Knights of the round code geass
Knights of the round code geass

knights of the round code geass

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    knights of the round code geass

    Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed.The title was specifically given to Suzaku Kururugi, who was given the highest authority of the Round and even surpasses the Knight of One.

    knights of the round code geass knights of the round code geass

    A member of the Knights of the Round cannot be punished for their crimes by anyone other then the Emperor.Ī special title, the Knight of Zero, was created by Lelouch following his ascension to the throne. After a person is arrested for assaulting a Knight, the Knight can decide the fate of the arrested person. The Knight of One may request governance of any colonial area of his/her choosing from the Emperor. However, all Knights of the Round were still given a high position of authority in the military and in political matters. During Lelouch vi Britannia's era, nobility is no longer awarded to the Knights of the Round and all of it's members were stripped of their nobility. Regardless of birth as a native Britannian or number, all members of the Knights of the Round are given a form of authority. They operate outside the normal command structure of the Britannian Military, and take orders only from the Emperor himself.Īside from the Knight of One, there were no known distinctions in privileges between the numbers as they existed in the era however, all Knights of the Round are higher in rank then many nobles, excluding members of the royal family. Knights of the Round is a unit of twelve elite knights within the Holy Britannian Empire in Code Geass. They take direct command from the Emperor of Britannia, each holding a rank from one to twelve.

    Knights of the round code geass